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Delivery Driver Online Training

The barrier to entry to become a driver for most retail companies is often very low. After passing the security, work permit/nationality check, its just a matter of having the requisite vehicle licence.

In fact in South Africa a person can legally ride a motorcycle with a learners’ licence and no experience in riding.

Starting a delivery business is much easier than starting a taxi business. There are fewer requirements and once you have an acceptable vehicle you are effectively in business.

This very necessary service continues without a focus on some of the more fundamental skills that most other employed people take for granted. The job is a lonely job with downtime between deliveries.

This is where the RISE DELIVERY DRIVER online course comes in. RISE has put together a short internship that each delivery driver/rider can undertake in their own time. It focuses on some of the softer aspects of the business as well as critical concepts like safety and vehicle maintenance

Driver Safety