Create Infinity

Yes Programme Milestones: Full Timeline

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  The Yes Programme is a comprehensive initiative aimed at empowering individuals and communities to achieve sustainable development goals. It encompasses a wide range of activities and strategies, which are organized into specific milestones to ensure effective implementation and successful outcomes. This article will provide an in-depth exploration of the Yes Programme milestones, from the […]

6 Ways ways YES transforms your SDG strategies and ESG reporting


  In today’s ever-changing business landscape, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reporting and sustainable development goals (SDG) strategies have become crucial for organizations aiming to create positive impact and build stakeholder trust. With the increasing demand for transparency and accountability, organizations need effective tools and strategies to navigate this complex terrain successfully. This is where […]

YES Initiative : The Ultimate Guide to Unlocking its Benefits

The Ultimate Guide to Unlocking the Benefits of the YES Initiative Create Infinity

  The Youth Employment Service (YES) Initiative is a transformative program designed to address youth unemployment in South Africa. By providing young people with valuable work experience, YES aims to empower them with the skills and opportunities needed to succeed in the job market. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the various aspects of […]

5 Essential Steps for Developing Your Youth Employment Strategy

5 Essential Steps for Developing Your Youth Employment Strategy

    In today’s competitive job market, it’s more important than ever for organizations to develop effective strategies for youth employment. By providing opportunities for young people to gain valuable skills and experience, businesses can create a pipeline of qualified and motivated workers while also promoting economic growth and social development. To help you navigate […]

Consider these 5 risks relating to the YES program

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The Youth Employment Service (YES) program was launched in South Africa in 2018 as an initiative to tackle the country’s high levels of youth unemployment. The program provides incentives to companies that offer employment opportunities to young people aged between 18 and 35 who are not in education, employment, or training. While the YES program […]

Say YES to yes4youth

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The YES program is making an impact! YES is a business-led collaboration that seeks out groundbreaking ways, through innovation and technological best practices, to reignite the economy and give youth a dignified first chance. The YES 12-month quality work experience equips unemployed youth with a toolkit to be a beacon of hope for their families, […]